Thursday, January 22, 2009

Looks like the backfill has been backfilled and the place has been stoned.

Above is the front yard looking from inside the garage. A lot of the dirt that was dug out of the hole was able to be used for backfilling purposes. This is good because it means that less dirt will have to be halled away. This is good.
Above is a picture looking into our garage. From previous pictures you can see that the lot was also "stoned." The stones are built up pretty high for where the driveway will be eventually.

Above is a picture looking toward the back yard. Above this corner of the basement will be the dinette.
This picture is looking toward the front yard after the backfill. Above this part of the basement will be the dining room. Hopefully we won't have snow in our dining room!

Above is the front yard looking from the sidewalk in front of the lot. It shows how much the grading plan for the subdivision really builds up the lots from where they start out before the build starts. In other pictures you can see the foundation walls and the supports for the front porch on the front of the house. Now that they have done the backfill, you can barely see that this is the front of the house. It makes sense that the basement would be underground, but the point is that it's just a heck of a lot of dirt that was built up there.

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